Biobased industries (BBI) stakeholders days


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Wednesday, 6 December, 2017 to Thursday, 7 December, 2017

The European Bio-based industries joint undertaking (BBI-JU) organized the BBI Stakeholders day on the 6th and 7th of December in Brussels. This Stakeholder Forum was a one-day public event dedicated to engaging directly in dialogue with BBI JU’s stakeholders.  All 65 BBI approved projects were exhibited to the open public in different stands on December 7th. The BBI JU welcomed the public to attend a day full of information, to listen to speakers and expert panellists discuss the strategic importance of the bio-based economy and the BBI JU's key role in implementing this across Europe. Participants attending were drawn from a range of industries and sectors, SMEs, academic and research organisations, local and national government and included policy makers, thought leaders, the EU community, projects and bio-based industries community as a whole. The Barbara project was, of course, present in the event, with posters, videos  and different samples as the latest tangible results gathered during the M6 Consortium Meeting.  

Coordiantor Dr. Berta Gonzalvo (AITIIP) and Dr. Lidia García (TECNO) beside the roll-up at the stand devoted to project BARBARA

On the previous day, December 6th, the BBI JU welcomed its projects in a day dedicated to facilitating an exchange of ideas and providing opportunities to network and find potential areas of common interest and natural synergies. Projects were grouped together thematically and invited to bring up to three representatives to talk about their work in the project. 

Watch the gallery of pictures taken at the event on our social network profiles. Follow us on facebook and twitter !!!


The Square