The emerging bioeconomy is moving from the research niche to market norm and Europe needs to maintain its current global leadership. The High Level Bioeconomy conference, organized by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, focus on the need to have a sustainable and circular bioeconomy to enhance the transition in a changed EU policy context and towards a new environmental, social and economic reality.
Project Barbara was showcased in this event, which is taking place today October 22nd in Brussels, based on the potential it can offer to bioeconomy and to industry 4.0, as it brings together agrowaste valorisation, 3D printing technologies and the automotive and construction sectors. The European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, as maximum authority within the European Union, hosted the event and selected project BARBARA as an example of Bio-based industries-Joint Undertaking funded projects (see picture at the end or in the main news page).
The support of the Commisioner to the project points out the importance of project BARBARA and the potential impact of its forth-coming results in our society and in Europe's role in the advances towards a bio-based economy.
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