Compotec is an international Exhbition of composite materials and related technology, the only professional event in Italy in composite sector. The event hosted 106 brands exhibitors and 2469 b2b meetings during these intense three days. Our partners in project BARBARA, UNIPG, had a stand on the exhibition, through which to contact companies and other potential stakeholders in the framework of the BARBARA or other projects.
Compotec addresses every industrial sector that employs composite materials on a large scale: aerospace, aeronautic, automotive, military, medical, construction, design as well as wind energy and nautical sectors. Compotec takes place in the framework of Seatec, “International exhibition of technology, subcontracting and design for boats, yachts and ships”, with the purpose of gathering in a single exhibiting context producers, distributors, universities, research institutes, companies and associations and of offering companies operating in diverse branches highly professional promotional and business tools.
Compotec is divided into 4 product macro-areas:
-Raw materials Producers and Suppliers
-Machinery and Processing Techniques
-Design and Engineering
-Research and Development
The strong commitment of the organizers, is reaffirmed, once again, in next edition’s format through the arrangement of an intensive schedule of conferences, workshops and seminars which represent a unique training opportunity in the overview of professional fairs, generally more concentrated on the mere products on display and on their sale. Not surprisingly, Compotec has always been committed to the organization of professional training events aimed to make the sector grow by analysing the most crucial topics on the spot; among them, environmentally sustainable composite materials; the proposal of composite panels; composites 3D print and all connected technologies; thermoplastic and thermosetting matrixes matching and the use of composite materials in aeronautics.
The next Compotec edition will take place in Carrara, April 3-5th 2019.
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