Barbara Project Newsletter Issue 7


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Welcome to the seventh edition of the Barbara Project's newsletter! 

This is a selection of the most recent news, and many additional articles are available on our news page. You can also view a list of upcoming events within the field.


The University of Alicante, in collaboration with Milestone, Metrohm, and Sy-Lab, organized a free training conference entitled Agro-food waste valorization as a source of valuable biochemicals in circular economy: a reality; in the BARBARA project framework. The online free training conference provided a platform to meet companies and researchers interested in the application of circular economy for the valorization of agro-food wastes. 

To see the complete news follow this link.


You can see our final video on our YouTube channel

You can see our final video on our YouTube Channel.


La Opinion de Murcia has published a new article based on the Barbara project. 

Last 6th October, BARBARA project closed with a Final Online Conference.

Final Conference Barbara

The Barbara project comes to an end. Last 6th October was held the Final Conference broadcasted live from AITIIP.

Those attending the event had the opportunity to learn how to introduce agricultural by-products and residues into a circular economy (More information about the program click here)


FUTURIS is a program from Euronews . The program shows the latest news about the leading scientific and technological research projects in Europe. And now it has been the turn of Barbara project

The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) is a biennial, pan-European, general science conference dedicated to scientific research and innovation. Each conference aims to deliver stimulating content and lively debate around the latest advancements and discoveries in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences. Berta Gonzalvo presented Barbara Project from Aitiip.

New section, where you can see all the public documents: articles, leaflets, and official poster and roll-up.

Read more


Barbara project has published on its YouTube channel a new video summarizing the microwave-assisted extraction process carried out in the project

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You can see this video on our YouTube Channel.