Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in require_once() (line 341 of /var/www/html/drupal-barbara/includes/module.inc).
The Technology Centre AITIIP has been invited as coordinators of project Barbara to present the project in the open Conference Days "Verde que te quiero verde" (green, I like you green), held in Zaragoza, Spain. Our coordinator, Dr. Berta Gonzalvo, will join discussion amongst well-known national personalities, journalists and authorities, within the session "food and food waste" on thursday 30th November.
Project Barbara was featured in the most important newspaper in the region of Alicante, Spain (web version). With the original headline "the palette of colours is stretched", the news article focuses on the work performed by the two teams in the University of Alicante, the Nanobiopol Group and the Group of Vision and Colour. The latter one is in charge of creating new colours from the natural extracts provided by the former.
This week, the University of Alicante, Spain, has been in charge of hosting the first meeting of the consortium in the Barbara project after Kick-off. The event has gathered representatives from all partners involved in the project, who have travelled to Alicante to show and discuss the results obtained during these first months.
Alicante City Centre ; University of Alicante, main Campus
The regional newspaper in Valencia, Spain, "La veu", has featured project Barbara this week in its science section. The publication (see web version here) includes several pages covering the rationale and basic principles of the project, the consortium and their different tasks, underlining the importance of valorisation of agri-food waste in the pursuit of a circular economy.
The University of Alicante, Spain, will be in charge of hosting the first meeting of the consortium in the Barbara project after Kick-off, this November 20-21st. The event will gather representatives from all partners involved in the project, who will travel to Alicante to show and discuss the results obtained during these first months.