Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in require_once() (line 341 of /var/www/html/drupal-barbara/includes/module.inc).
La Vanguardia newspaper, has featured project Barbara this week in its science section. The publication (see web version here) includes several pages covering the rationale and basic principles of the project, the consortium and their different tasks, underlining the importance of valorisation of agri-food waste in the pursuit of a circular economy.
Europapress. C. Valenciana, has featured project Barbara this week in its Valencia Innova. The publication (see web version here) includes several pages covering the rationale and basic principles of the project, the consortium and their different tasks, underlining the importance of valorisation of agri-food waste in the pursuit of a circular economy.
In order to re-think and re-consider that plastic is a valuable material that increase our quality of life, Plastipolis and Aitiip Technology Center organise the second edition of S3: Smart, Safe and Sustainable plastic congress, which was taking place at Zaragoza, during the 6th November.
University of Alicante has participated in the SusChem Stakeholders Event 2019 held in Brussels, November 27th, 2019. in this forum entitled "Sustainable Chemistry to solve global challenges: the new SusChem Strategic Research and innovation Agenda",